Count your blessings if you were able to wake up this morning.
Every day you are well and alive is a blessing.
The quality of my life and my independence from others is vital to me.
Plans are just that, as we cannot be certain that we will be present to carry them out.
As yesterday cannot be lived over again, tomorrow is not guaranteed.
You probably believe that to pass away, you must be a specific age or at a degree of fitness, but everyone passes away regardless.
I’ve read of numerous instances where people who seemed to be in good health failed to wake up tomorrow. These occurrences are not necessarily down to a known illness or the result of suicide because the human body is unpredictable.
Years of destructive behaviour and having no fear of dying made death my best friend. If anything, my harmful actions were an attempt to hasten the process.
I’ve always thought that God makes the purest of people suffer more than the corrupt.
Why doesn’t God just take the nasty people, I once pondered. He “does not want them,” was the response I received.
I’ve decided to live today because I’ve discovered my purpose.
The consequences of listening to the opinions of those close to me, made me develop a pessimistic perspective, and it has taken me most of my life to recondition my thinking.
I am aware that they were attempting to prevent me from going through the same things.
But to grow, one must experience hardships in life, so who is to say that my path would have been the same?
I’m delighted to announce that for the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m making a difference in this life. I have a strong desire to inspire those who go through adversity to persevere.
By prioritising my health, I have discovered that I can help others by sharing the methods I use to keep my mental health in check.
In everything, there must be a balance.
Natalie M Bleau
Scripture of Balance